Tips to make your logo stand out

Tips To Make Your Logo Stand Out

Tips To Make Your Logo Stand Out

Tips To Make Your Logo Stand Out

Tips To Make Your Logo Stand Out

A well-designed logo is the cornerstone of a successful brand and business. Without a distinguishable, memorable, and relevant logo, companies get lost in competitive and saturated markets. Using the right logo can ultimately mean the difference between failure and success regardless of the quality of the products and services you provide. With a few tips and tricks, help your logo stand out while attracting your target market and audience with less effort.


Originality Is Key

Creating a logo that is unique is extremely important, especially when you are entering a market with steady and growing trends. Originality is essential as it helps prospective customers distinguish your brand from other companies. When a logo stands out or has a striking appeal, users are more likely to remember it or consider it a trusted source. Gaining the trust of consumers is one of the key elements to keep in mind while designing a logo that represents your business and all it encompasses.


Use Negative Space

Take advantage of negative space when designing and developing your brand’s logo. Negative space is the space that surrounds your main icon, graphic, or typographic element you choose to represent your company name. Using negative space effectively is possible with contrasting colors, white space, or even a distinct pattern that is unique and only your own. While minimalism and white space are important in design, logos provide the opportunity to express creativity while drawing attention to your brand.



What message do you want to convey with your logo? Do you want users to think while viewing your logo, or do you want a self-explanatory design? Who are the consumers you are targeting and why? What need do you solve with your business and which method is best to communicate that to your audience? The meaning of your brand’s logo is vital and helps to shape the future of your business. Without meaning, it is difficult for consumers to become attached or loyal to a brand, especially with a plethora of advertisements and promotions visible to them each day.

Logos should have a defined meaning or cause, resonating with those you want to reach and helping them relate to your products and services. Consider successful logos such as Nike, Starbucks, and even McDonalds. The logos are easy to recall and have clear, distinct, and memorable designs. While a logo often evolves over years, starting with a base that best represents your business and how you want to be viewed by your customers is imperative.


Using Wordmark

Typography is one of the most important aspects of a well-designed logo and brand. Without proper typography, your logo is much more likely to fall short of expectations once you begin launching marketing campaigns. Learning about Wordmark and typography helps to choose the right fonts that best represent your brand without utilizing choices that are difficult to read, improperly spaced, or simply unflattering. Work together with a professional in graphic printing or an illustrator to choose a font (or to create one) that is best for your brand and the overall aesthetic you want to implement with your business model.


Abstract Shapes

Using abstract shapes that are unique and engaging help attract users while allowing your brand to stand out. Design shapes that are funky, original, and even untraditional to create a brand that appears authentic and new. Avoid copying patterns and shapes from other successful logos as it becomes more challenging to make a lasting impression when your logo is not truly unique and your own. Before choosing abstract shapes that are right for your business and brand, select a color scheme that best represents your company and the target audience you want to reach.


Color Choice

Choosing the right colors for your logo and brand is another important factor to keep in mind while you are in the design and development process. Understanding color theory and color psychology is extremely beneficial when you want to keep users genuinely interested in your brand and learning more about what you offer. Consider how colors are most commonly viewed and used in business:

  • Blue: Blue is used to promote corporate appeal, professionalism, and connectivity among users. Consider Facebook and Twitter’s logos. Optimal for office interior design.
  • Green: Green represents eco-friendly brands along with banking institutions, perfect for any business that promotes shopping and spending in a retail environment.
  • Red: Red is a showstopper and often used in promotions and expensive luxury ads.
  • Purple: Purple is the color of royalty and provides an elegant appeal.
  • Orange and Yellow: Orange and yellow are symbols for creativity and promote happy, healthy, and engaging environments.
  • Black/White: Using black and white is optimal for a minimalist brand or when representing high-end luxury products.


Logo Must Help With Branding

Logos make first and lasting impressions on prospective customers, which is why they are key for branding. Without a branded logo, users may find it difficult to remember or recall your brand’s name. When you have a branded logo, you’ll receive more referrals from loyal customers and support from those who view you as a trusted and reliable company. Branded logos are optimal when launching online marketing campaigns using social media and third-party ad servers. Showcasing the same logo on all of your social media platforms, your blog, official website, and within ads you run helps to create a sense of trust and professionalism among your user base.

When you utilize multiple logos that do not have the same color scheme, aesthetic, or main feature, you run the risk of losing the interest of those who want to discover new brands or companies to support. Disjointed and unidentifiable logos dissuade users from placing their trust in your business and instead they opt for an alternative provider.

Understanding the significance of logos and how they help shape the future of a brand is essential whenever you are involved in a venture of your own. A great logo helps take your business to the next level of success while retaining customers and generating revenue long-term.

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